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Collective Law Solicitors specialise in
Family Law

We are there for you, when you need it most. Working together to make a difference

Our Legal Services


There is only one ground to file for a Divorce and that is the irretrievable breakdown of a marriage. This means that you feel that the marriage as broken down beyond repair. You do not need to prove this in any way or provide supporting evidence for your decision. Filing for Divorce entails legal action taken to terminate a marriage and marks the legal end of a marriage.

Financial Separation

When a marriage ends, decisions need to be made as to how finances are to be separated. This includes deciding how to deal with pensions, property, savings, investments etc. If  terms of settlement can be negotiated and agreed then these can be drawn up into a legally binding settlement contract known as a Consent Order. If not, formal court proceedings may be necessary.

Divorce and financial

​Change of Name

​We are able to draft a formal Change of Name Deed for you which will affect a legal change of name for all official purposes, with immediate effect once signed and witnessed.

Cohabitation Agreements 

A Cohabitation Agreement is a document setting out terms between unmarried couples who live together or, who are about to move in together. These Agreements outline what should happen in the event that the relationship breaks down. It can cover topics such as finances, property and child care. 


Change of name and cohabitation

Domestic Abuse

Domestic Abuse is any incident or pattern of incidents involving controlling, coercive, threatening, degrading or violent behaviour. This can relate to physical abuse but also mental, emotional, financial and psychological abuse. Domestic Abuse is considered to be a crime  and immediate protective orders can be sought through the family courts to provide protection for a victim from abuse. In many cases, if the protective court orders are breached, the  perpetrator can be held liable for arrest. These protective orders can also preclude the perpetrator from inciting or encouraging friends/others from acting in an abusive manner on their behalf. No one should have to face domestic abuse or live in fear of any form of harm, whether physical harm or otherwise. If you are concerned for your safety contact us today for immediate advice and guidance. 

Child Arrangements 

Child Arrangements is a general term used to encompass a variety of work undertaken relating to children. This varies from Orders seeking to spend time with a child, for a child to live with a specific parent or even Orders of a protective nature to prevent a parent from acting in a certain way if you feel there is a genuine safety risk posed to the child. These can restrict a parent from contacting a child in certain cases, or preclude them from traveling abroad, relocating with the child,  removing them from school or changing the school they attend etc. Child Arrangements can also include Orders to attain parental rights for a child if you are not named on a child's birth certificate. 

Domestic abuse and child arrangements

​Prenuptial Agreements

Prenuptial Agreements are becoming increasingly common within the UK. Although not technically legally binding, they do evidence the intention of a couple at the time before marriage and this  will be scrutinised by the Court. A Prenuptial Agreement is designed to set out what the couple's intention is in the event of a Divorce, in respect of finances, property etc. 

​Adoption/ Special Guardianship

Private adoptions relate to independent adoption arrangements which have not been prompted by the local authority or other agency. This is often the  case with step parents wanting to attain parental rights or other arrangements within a family setting. A special guardianship  in an order appointing  one or more individuals as a child’s ’special guardian’  and is intended for children who cannot live with their birth parents but who would benefit from the safety and security of a legally secure home life setting. There are a number of requirements which need to be met before an application for adoption or special guardianship can be and so it is important to seek legal advice and ensure all criteria is satisfied before starting the court proceedings.

Prenup and adoption


Surrogacy relates to the process where a woman becomes pregnant with a child (which may or may not be genetically related to her), carries that child and subsequently gives birth to the child for another family (often referred to as the Intended Parents.) There are two main types of surrogacy, traditional surrogacy and gestational surrogacy. Traditional surrogacy uses the surrogate mother's egg for conception.  In contrast, gestational surrogacy  is performed by  transferring embryos made through IVF with eggs for the intended mother or a donor.

Practice Areas: Testimonials

Fixed Fee & Pricing


Every family and relationship is different. Therefore every case we deal with is unique and individual. We promise to take the time to understand your specific needs, and help you identify the best approach for  your situation. 


Once we understand your objectives, we will help establish a plan of action. We will give you a clear indication of what work is likely to be involved and estimated costs in your case from the outset. We will keep you regularly updated and informed if this is likely to change as your case progresses. 


If there is anything we can suggest to help you save costs, we will always be open and honest with you. 


Certain aspects of work can be offered on a fixed fee basis from the outset, subject to requirements being met and your case being assessed. 


Some of the fixed fees we can offer are listed below: 


Divorces from £1,200, plus disbursements


Financial consent order from £2,500, plus disbursements


Change of Name Deed £140  


Various other fixed fees may also be offered after a discussion with you about your particular case. The costs and scope of work can be agreed during your consultation to help you establish a budget and plan for the work needed to be undertaken. 


For more information about costs and prices please contact us for a consultation. 



Business Open Hours

Monday-Thursday: 9am-5pm

Friday: Emergency appointments only

Saturday & Sunday: Closed



Practice Areas: Text


Helpful Information

How do I start the divorce process?

The only way to start divorce proceedings is by completing an application form for divorce. This can be submitted online via the court’s online divorce portal.

What are the grounds for a divorce?

The only ground for divorce is that the marriage has irretrievably broken down.

What is the divorce process?

No Fault Divorce was introduced in England and Wales on 6th April 2022. There are 3 key stages to the divorce process: filing the application, applying for the Conditional Order, and applying for the Final Order. Upon filing the initial application for Divorce, the Court/Applicant has 28 days to serve the Respondent with notice of the proceedings. The Respondent is then expected to file the Acknowledgement of Service Form within 14 days. After a period of 20 weeks has lapsed from the date of the divorce application being issued by the court (and subject to the Acknowledgement of Service Form being field within at least 14 days prior) an application for the Conditional Order can be made. The Final Order can be applied for after 6 weeks from the date of the Conditional Order. The marriage is only terminated upon the Final Order being issued.

How long does the divorce process take?

The new legislation introduced on 6th April 2022 now mandates that all Divorces will take a minimum of 26 weeks (6 months). A Divorce will not be finalised by the Court in a shorter time unless in exceptional circumstances. This time frame has been mandated as the process for filing for Divorce has now been made easier and more time for reflection is therefore dictated to ensure all parties are certain of the decision they are making.

Will I need to attend Court when filing for divorce?

A divorce typically involves three written applications being submitted to the Court. You will not be required to attend Court for any hearings in connection with a divorce. If the person seeking a divorce asks a Judge for a Court Order such as asking the person responding to the divorce to pay their legal costs, and this is disputed, you may be asked to attend a Court Hearing before the Judge decides on such specific issues.

Does my divorce include resolving all family issues?

The legal process of divorce ends your contract of marriage. The divorce process does not resolve any other issues relating to property, money, or children upon separation – whilst connected, these issues involve separate legal procedures.

How do I protect my pension?

Pensions can be dealt with in several different ways. They can be subject to a pension sharing order, where a percentage of your fund value is transferred to your former spouse. Alternatively, if you wanted to protect your pension, its value can be offset against other capital assets. For example, you could agree to give your former spouse more of the equity in the house on the condition that you keep all your pension.

What are my rights to see the children?

Rights of access and spending time with a parent are generally the right of the children, not the parent. Provided that there is not a risk of harm to the children, arrangements for them to spend time with a parent will be ordered by the Court. It is best to negotiate such arrangements by direct discussions or by attending mediation to agree on the best way forward. If you cannot agree, an application can be made to the Court, providing that you have attended a MIAM (Mediation Information and Assessment Meeting).

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